Saturday, December 08, 2007

IIS 5 use of Server Side Include

Server Side Include not working on IIS 5 and 5.1.

This is actually the problem of naming the file extension.


Any html file that wants to use SSI must be named as shtm or shtml extension.

The file that is included in the shtm or shtml can be of any file extension.


I really learnt this the hard way and took a whole night to understand this.


I created a test_ssi.shtml file and Insert Server Side Include using Dreamweaver.

The included file is (can be any extension). is dynamically attached to the test_ssi.shtml by IIS before passing to the requesting browser.


Hope this will help someone out there.


Shen Yeoh Liang
MSCS, MSc. (Technology Mgt, UK), MCSE,
MCDBA, Prof Dip (.NET & Web Services, ISS/NUS)
email:, Personal website:
phone: (65) 9279 7044, (65) 6442 1731


Monday, December 03, 2007 and use of A tag attribute rel=nofollow

Recently, I was engaged in a forum discussion on the use of TAGs in web 2.0 and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

I have put forth that social bookmarking sites can help promote the ranking of web page in traditional Search Engines (such as Google).  One pointed out that rel=nofollow is used in site (which I have quoted as one of the social bookmarking site).


I have to eventually raise the issue that the SE do not need to follow through the links, as they are actually searching for the tags and their ranking within, rather than the content of the bookmarked URL.


This does raise the awareness of the new web 2.0 classification, that is currently circulating on the WWW.


You can follow this thread at


Till my next posting.


Shen Yeoh Liang
MSCS, MSc. (Technology Mgt, UK), MCSE,
MCDBA, Prof Dip (.NET & Web Services, ISS/NUS)
email:, Personal website:
phone: (65) 9279 7044, (65) 6442 1731