Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Birds Nest Fern Recipe

Recently I have the opportunity to visit Taiwan for 8 days.  The tourist guide raises an interesting topic that haunts my wife’s imagination till now.  The tour guide pointed out the Birds Nest Fern and claimed that it is a delicacy in Taiwan.  He claimed that the soft part of the leaf can be cut and cooked as a vegetable dish, and it is very delicious.


My wife loves to plant, and also eating “blachan Kung Kong”.  This claim is too good to be resisted.  She was trying to cook the Birds Nest Fern with the Malaysia “blachan” (prawn paste with chilli).  I am not confident of the words of the Taiwanese Tour Guide – my opinion of him is not too good (All agreed that the tour guides of Taiwan simply want to the tourists to visit shops to buy and earn commission from our buying sprees).


I did a check with Google, then Answer.Com, Wikipedia, and Dogpile.  But none have an answer of Birds Nest Fern recipe.  They do list it as Non-toxic plant, but always with a disclaimer that unexpected reaction may happen to certain people.


I guess I am stuck with a “no recipe” for the Taiwan delicacy – or is this fake tale.


Help if you know the answer.

Shen Yeoh Liang
MSCS, MSc. (Technology Mgt, UK), MCSE,
MCDBA, Prof Dip (.NET & Web Services, ISS/NUS)
email: shenyl@scs.org.sg, shenyl@singnet.com.sg Personal website: http://shenyl.frih.net
phone: (65) 9279 7044, (65) 6442 1731



Pradeep Nair said...

Hi Shen,

To your question 4 years ago, I have found the answer from the weblink below:


I bought some from a Chinese supermarket in Vancouver today.


Pradeep Nair said...

Hi Shen,

To your question 4 years ago, I have found the answer from the weblink below:


I bought some from a Chinese supermarket in Vancouver today.


Pradeep Nair said...

Hi Shen,

To your question 4 years ago, I have found the answer from the weblink below:


I bought some from a Chinese supermarket in Vancouver today.
